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5678 School Of Dance aims to provide a high quality and positive dance experience to all those attending our classes and we ask that parents / carers, students and teachers adhere to the relevant policies below.



We offer a £2 taster lesson to all new pupils before signing up to classes.  If you would like to join a class, parents and carers must complete and sign a registration form agreeing to the policies of 5678 School Of Dance.  All contact details must be up to date and any medical conditions must be stated clearly. If there are any changes to contact details parents and carers must fill out in a new form.


Fees and Payment

Fees are paid per term which are 10 - 15 weeks long depending on the school term dates. Fees are due by the first week of term. Invoices are given out in class before the beginning of term. If fees are not paid by the first two weeks of term a late fee of £5 will be charged. If fees are not paid in full by half term we reserve the right to refuse entry to classes. Payment can be made in Cash or Bacs. We do not accept cheques. Please use your child's name as a reference.


Giving Notice

We require 1/2 terms written notice by email or half a terms fees are due in lieu.



No refunds are given for missed classes unless there are exceptional circumstances or 5678 School Of Dance cancels a class. In the event of bad weather and classes are cancelled we will post information about closure on the website and try to contact you by text/ email or Facebook Closed Group. 

If  the circumstances are beyond our control and we have to close, we will attempt to make up any missed classes in the future.​



All pupils are required to wear the correct regulation uniform for class. Students must have properly fitting ballet shoes recommended and fitted by 5678 School Of Dance and wear tights or socks.  No outside clothing is permitted in classes apart from 5678 School Of Dance branded sweatshirts and t.shirts. No watches or jewellery apart from stud earrings are permitted in class. Hair must be neatly tied in a bun or appropriate hair style.  All items of uniform need to be named. 5678 School Of Dance is not responsible for any lost property. See our uniform page for more information.

visit and find 5678 school of dance for all uniform.



5678 School Of Dance organises Imperial Society Teachers Of Dancing and Royal Academy of Dance examinations. When your child reaches the standard required and we feel they can execute the work to a high standard, they will be invited to partake in the session. Your child will be required to attend a series of extra exam coaching lessons which is not included in the exam price. Examinations are optional and if your child does not want to take the examination they can move to the next grade with their friends if we feel they can cope with the work.


Shows and Carinvals

5678 School Of Dance organises shows and Carnivals through out the year. All students are invited to perform.


Photography / Recording

5678 School Of Dance will take photographs or video of the students in normal classes as a teaching aid and for publicity for the website and facebook page/Group. Photographs and video will also be taken on exam days/shows and Carinvals. If you do not want your child to be photographed or videoed please tick the relevant box on the registration form. Parents are given permission to take photographs or video on watching weeks if they have permission of the whole class's parents/carers. Under no circumstances must photographs or videos be placed on social media sites.


Physical contact

Teachers need to have some physical contact with students in class to teach correct placement and technique. They are trained to do this in a way not to cause injury. If you do not want your child to be corrected in this way please contact us.



Teachers are only responsible for students while in the dance classes. Parents must drop off and pick up on time from the hall. The Greenfield Center is a public building where other clubs and groups take place. Parents and students need to be safe and respectful of the building. No running, playing or climbing. Children need to be appropriately dressed when arriving and leaving the building.  Teachers are committed to safe practice when teaching and the students partake at their own risk. Parents and carers must inform us of any existing injuries or medical conditions. In an emergency situation all teachers are first aid trained and with act in loco parentis if parents or carers are not present and will call an ambulance.



It is not permitted to attend classes at other dancing schools unless it is recommended by 5678 School Of Dance. 



We will communicate with you by email,Facebook and phone. If you need to communicate with us please email or telephone Abby 07955641810 Email: We are always happy to communicate and discuss matters with you but please try not to do this before or after class as it takes up valuable teaching time. Any abusive verbal behavior toward members of staff will not be tolerated and we will inform security / police and it will result in an immediate dismissal from the school.


Data Protection Policy 
This notice is to help you understand how and why 5678 School Of Dance collects personal information about you and what we do with that information. It also explains the decisions that you can make about your own information. 
5678 School Of Dance Principal (Abigail Martin) is the person responsible at our school for managing how we look after personal information and deciding how it is shared (Data Protection Officer). 

Like other organisations we need to keep your information safe, up to date, only use it for what we said we would, destroy it when we no longer need it and most importantly - treat the information we get fairly. 
This notice is to explain how we use your personal information. The 5678 Principal can answer any questions which you may have. 
What is personal information? 
Personal information is information that identifies you as an individual and relates to you. This includes your contact details, next of kin, health and financial information. Photos and video recordings of you are also personal information. 
How and why does the school collect and use personal information? 
We set out below examples of the different ways in which we use personal information and where this personal information comes from. The School's primary reason for using your personal information is to provide dance educational services to you or your child. 
We obtain information about you from enrolment forms, examination forms, show forms and other forms of communication 
We may have information about any family circumstances which might affect your child's welfare, health or happiness. 
We may take photographs or videos at School events to use on social media, for marketing purposes and on the School website and facebook. This is to show prospective parents and pupils what we do here and to advertise the School. 
We may continue to use these photographs and videos after your child has left the School. 
We may send you information to keep you up to date with what is happening at the School. For example, by sending you information about shows, examinations, workshops, carnivals and other events and activities taking place. 
We may process financial information about you in relation to the payment of fees. 
Sharing personal information with third parties 
We may share information with dance examination organisations (Royal Academy of Dance), (Imperial society teaching of dance) to facilitate submitting candidates for examination and assessment purposes 
In accordance with our legal obligations, we may share information with local authorities for example, where we have any safeguarding concerns. 
On occasion, we may need to share information with the police. 
We may also need to share information with our legal advisers for the purpose of obtaining legal advice. We may share some information with our insurance company, for example, where there is a serious incident at the School. 
If you have unpaid fees while your child is at the School, we may share information about this with the Courts and legal advisers in order to recover any overdue monies. 
We may share information about you with others in your family, such as another parent or step-parent. For example, where this is part of our obligation to take care of your child, as part of our wider legal obligations, or in connection with school fees. 
We may need to share information if there is an emergency, for example, if you or your child is hurt whilst on School premises. 
Our legal grounds for using your information 
This section contains information about the legal basis that we are relying on when handling your information 

 Legitimate interests 
This means that the processing is necessary for legitimate interests except where the processing is unfair to you. The School relies on legitimate interests for most of the ways in which it uses your information. 
Specifically, the School has a legitimate interest in: 
Providing dance educational services to you or your child; 
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of your child (and other children); 
Promoting the objects and interests of the School. It also includes making sure that we are able to enforce our rights against you, for example, so that we can contact you if unpaid school fees are due; 
Facilitating the efficient operation of the School; and 
Ensuring that all relevant legal obligations of the School are complied with. 
In addition, your personal information may be processed for the legitimate interests of others. 
If you object to us using your information where we are relying on our legitimate interests as explained above, please speak to the 5678Principal. 

Necessary for a contract 
We will need to use your information in order to perform our obligations under our contract with you. For example, we need your name and contact details so that we can update you on your child's progress, inform you of forthcoming events and so that we can contact you if there is a concern. 

Legal obligation 
Where the School needs to use your information in order to comply with a legal obligation, for example to report a concern to Children's Services. We may also have to disclose your information to third parties such as the courts, the local authority or the police where legally obliged to do so. 

Vital interests 
For example, to prevent someone from being seriously harmed or killed. 
Vital interests 
To protect the vital interests of any person where that person cannot give consent, for example, if they are seriously hurt and are unconscious.

Legal claims 
The processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims. This allows us to share information with our legal advisors and insurers. 

Medical purposes 
This includes medical treatment. 
We may ask for your consent to use your information in certain ways. If we ask for your consent to use your personal information you can take back this consent at any time. Any use of your information before you withdraw your consent remains valid. Please speak to the 5678 Principal if you would like to withdraw any consent given. 

Sending information to other countries 
We do not send your information to other countries. 

For how long do we keep your information? 
We keep your information for as long as we need to in order to educate and look after your child. We will keep some information after your child has left the School, for example, so that we can find out what happened if you make a complaint. 
In exceptional circumstances we may keep your information for a longer time than usual, but we would only do so if we had a good reason and only if we are allowed to do so under data protection law. 
We can keep information about you for a very long time or even indefinitely if we need this for historical, research or statistical purposes. For example, if we consider the information might be useful if someone wanted to write a book about the School. 

What decisions can you make about your information? 
From May 2018 data protection legislation gives you a number of rights regarding your information. Some of these are new rights whilst others build on your existing rights. Your rights are as follows: 
If information is incorrect you can ask us to correct it; you can also ask what information we hold about you and be provided with a copy. We will also give you extra information, such as why we use this information about you, where it came from and what types of people we have sent it to; you can ask us to delete the information that we hold about you in certain circumstances. For example, where we no longer need the information; you can ask us to send you, or another organisation, certain types of information about you in a format that can be read by computer; 
our use of information about you may be restricted in some cases. For example, if you tell us that the information is inaccurate we can only use it for limited purposes while we check its accuracy; 
Further information and guidance 
The 5678 Principal can give you more information about your data protection rights. 
Please speak to the 5678 Principal if: 
you object to us using your information for marketing purposes e.g. to send you information about school events. We will stop using your information for marketing purposes if you tell us not to; or you would like us to update the information we hold about you; or you would prefer that certain information is kept confidential. 
If you consider that we have not acted properly when using your personal information, you can contact the Information Commissioner's Office - 


Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy 

5678 School Of Dance aims to provide a happy and safe environment where children can learn to dance. 5678 School Of Dance believes children have the right to be safe and secure and free from threat, regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality or beliefs. 5678 School Of dance will act with integrity, treating children with respect, listening to their concerns and acting upon them. 5678 School Of Dance Code of Conduct commitment to Students and Parents will ensure that students will receive professional tuition from a qualified teacher with appropriate facilities following safe practice. 
5678 School Of Dance has an explicit duty to safeguard and protect children from abuse as defined in the Children Act 2004 and the Education Act 2002. 
Everyone at our dance school shares an objective to help keep children, young people and vulnerable adults safe by: 
Providing a safe environment to learn in.
Identifying and responding to children, young people and vulnerable adults in need of support and / or protection.
Supporting children’s development in ways which will foster a sense of self-esteem and      independence.
Fostering a learning environment in which every pupil feels valued and able to articulate their wishes and feelings in their preferred method of communication in an atmosphere of acceptance and trust.

We will endeavour to ensure that children and vulnerable adults are protected from harm while they visit or are attending our classes. We will do this by:
Making sure our staff are carefully selected.
Providing appropriate training for staff in issues of child protection.
Ensure all staff undergo an Enhanced Criminal Records Bureau disclosure.
To establish and maintain an ethos where children and young people feel secure and are         encouraged to talk, and are listened to.
Taking all reasonable steps to ensure the health, safety and welfare of any child or vulnerable adult in contact with us.
Not physically, emotionally or sexually abusing any child or vulnerable adult in contact with us.
Taking all reasonable steps to prevent any staff member, persons working for us or member of the public from putting any child or vulnerable adult in a situation in which there is an unreasonable risk to their health and safety.
Taking all reasonable steps to prevent any staff member, persons working for us or member of the public from physically, emotionally or sexually abusing any child or vulnerable adult.
Reporting to the Principal any evidence or reasonable suspicion that a child or vulnerable adult has been physically, emotionally or sexually abused in contact with us or anyone in our organisation.

Referring to statutory authorities all incidents reported to the Principal. 
Implementing this policy in conjunction with our Health and Safety guidelines already in place. 
Everyone working or applying to work for this organisation is to be made aware of our policy for children’s welfare. Furthermore, this document should be issued to all staff and other people who are likely to have contact with children as part of their work with us. Copies of the policy will be held by the Principal. 
These guidelines apply to: 
A situation involving children and young people up to age 18, whether or not accompanied by adults. We also recognise that vulnerable people of any age will benefit from similar safeguards. Wherever guidelines refer to children, this broader meaning applies. 
All staff and volunteers working within our organisation or on our premises. In the case of contractors and consultants it is incumbent upon the Principal to ensure that they are made aware of these guidelines 
In regard to the safety and welfare of children and similarly vulnerable people all staff are required to: 
Be DBS disclosed
Take all reasonable steps to protect children from hazards
Strictly observe the code of behaviour in this document
Take appropriate action if an accident occurs
Take all reasonable steps to prevent abuse of children in contact with anyone within the         organisation
Report any incident or suspicion of abuse
Safety of participants and staff is of prime consideration at all times.
All accidents involving anyone should be recorded in the dance school’s accident book immediately or as soon as practicably possible.
Staff are responsible for familiarising themselves with building/facility safety issues, such as, fire procedures, location of emergency exits, location of emergency telephones and first aid equipment.
Staff are responsible for reporting suspected cases of child abuse to the named responsible person and/or agencies.
Appropriate staff should have access to any parent consent/emergency consent forms for all children taking part in any activities [this information should be confidential] Staff should ensure that their activities start and end on time.
Staff are expected to promote, demonstrate and incorporate the values of fair play, trust and ethics throughout their activities.
A register of names, addresses, next of kin and contact addresses and telephone numbers for emergencies will be kept. 
People working at our organisation must always observe the following requirements where children, young people or similarly vulnerable people are concerned. 
Do’s and Don’ts for Working with Children 
    Behave professionally 
    Listen to children 
    Treat everyone with respect 
    Communicate at an appropriate level 
    Be aware of policy and procedures 
    Report any suspicions within our guidelines 
    Be aware, approachable and understanding 
    Harm a child or frighten a child 
    Touch inappropriately 
    Use inappropriate language 
    Threaten, shout or be aggressive 
    Force a child to do something they do not want to do 
    Mistreat, demean, ignore, or make fun of 
    Show favoritism to any one individual or groups of individuals 
    Let a child expose him/herself to danger 
    Make racist, sexist or any other remark which upset or humiliate 
    Take photos of children without permission 
Do’s and Don’ts for Working with Vulnerable Adults 
    Be respectful, responsible and professional 
    Act in an appropriate manner 
    Listen and communicate 
    Use common sense; be caring, attentive and aware 
    Be sympathetic to their needs 
    Be aware of your responsibility 
    Be aware of policy and procedures as outlined in this document 
    Treat vulnerable adults as children 
    Engage in inappropriate behaviour 
    Be aggressive or physically restrain 
    Do anything of a personal nature they can do for themselves     Place yourself in a vulnerable position 
You have a strict duty never to subject any child to any form of harm or abuse. Failure to adhere to these procedures will be treated as gross misconduct. 
5678 School Of Dance policy states that photographs and filming of pupils might be taken and reproduced for class aids and general marketing purposes as the default position. If a parent or guardian does not want their child to be photographed under any circumstances they must advise the Principal in writing by opting out on the registration form. 
Depending on your judgment of the situation, go to the scene immediately if possible and/or summon First Aid assistance and/or contact the emergency services. With children it can be hard to assess whether they have been injured or the extent of the seriousness of an injury. If you have any doubt about this, you should err on the side of caution and contact the emergency services. Even if a child is accompanied and you think an accident is not being treated seriously enough, get medical assistance on your own initiative if necessary. All accidents should be reported in the Health and Safety manual. 
All staff are first aid trained. Unless there is good reason, First Aid should not be administered without the permission of the child’s parent or accompanying adult. A child cannot give consent. 
If the parent is not at the premises, obtain their phone number and try and make contact. However, if a child is alone and seriously injured or unconscious, the situation will need to be dealt with immediately. If at all possible, treatment should only be given by a trained First Aider. 
Provided this does not in itself put the child at risk, always try to administer First Aid with another adult present. Always tell the child exactly what you are doing and why. 
Unless it is irrelevant, ask the child if they use medication (e.g. for asthma, diabetes, and epilepsy) or have any allergies. Some children have allergic reactions to stings. 
For minor injuries, you may not offer any medication, including antiseptics or pills of any kind. If you have any doubts about helping someone to use their own medication phone the emergency services. 
Any treatment should be as little as necessary without threatening the child’s wellbeing. 
If a child comes to you for comfort because of a minor accident or fright, it is acceptable with the Code of Behaviour to hold their hand or put your arm around them. Just ensure: 
you know about any injury and do nothing to make it worse.
Physical contact is what the child wants, and the kind of contact between you is       appropriate to their age and stage of development.You do your best to stay in sight of other adults.
If a child needs a doctor or hospital, call the emergency services it is nearly always best to stay with them and wait for the ambulance. You should only take the risk of bringing in the child yourself if the emergency services ask you to do so because of exceptional circumstances. 
The NSPCC has a written document which outlines the requirements for professionals reporting child abuse in the United Kingdom. 
To read this information, please follow the link below: 
The Department of Health web-site contains a practical guide to the law relating to child protection, particularly The Protection of Children Act 1999. The site also provides a publication entitled: "What to do if you're worried a child is being abused". This publication has been developed to assist practitioners to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. It sets out the process for safeguarding children. It is aimed at those who come into contact with children and families in their everyday work. 
In order to safeguard and promote the welfare of its pupils and ensure that risk of harm is minimised, our organisation employs a safe recruitment and selection policy which complies with national and local guidance. 
All teachers, freelance teachers, relevant contractors, administrational and ancillary staff, will be DBS checked. 
All 5678 School Of Dance staff will undergo an induction process which includes information and written statements of 5678 School Of Dance policies and procedures. 
The Role of the Principal 
Our organisation will promote awareness of the policy through the Induction Process. 
The Principal should ensure that they are knowledgeable about child protection and that they undertake any training considered necessary to keep updated on new developments. 
The Principal is the link between the members of the public, and staff. 
The Principal will have the following functions. Namely to: 
Be an advisor to all organisation and freelance staff on best practice in regard to the child protection policy.
Agree incident reporting procedures.
Keep records of incidents and reports, together with any other relevant information. Report incidents to the Statutory Authorities and ensure that appropriate information is available at the time of referral and that the referral is confirmed in writing, under confidential cover.
Ensure that individual case records are maintained of any compliant, injury or action taken by the organisation.
Enhanced Criminal Records Bureau Disclosure 
All staff including teachers, freelance teachers, relevant contractors, administrational and ancillary staff will be DBS checked. It is the Principal’s responsibility to view the contents of the 
PVG disclosure and decide about whether that staff member should be excluded from working with young people within their organisation. 
We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually. 
The policy was last reviewed on: 7th May 2018 
Name: Abigail Martin 
Job Title: Principal  & Teacher Signature:  
Additional guidance can be found in the following documents at the end of this policy:  
•    Reporting Suspected Neglect or Abuse  
•    Appropriate Physical Contact in Dance  
•    Chaperoning Students to and from Dance Events  
•    Use of Photographs and Film of Children  
Additional Guidance A: Reporting Suspected Neglect or Abuse Concerns regarding a child’s welfare can be reported by:  
•    Parents  
•    Teachers  
•    Friends  • The child or young person  
All allegations of neglect or abuse will be taken seriously. If a concern is reported directly by the child or young person we will not seek to disagree, ask probing or leading questions, or do anything else which may discourage them. We will make it  
Clear that reported concerns cannot be kept confidential but will need to be shared with a nominated member of staff or external organisation. Parents or guardians will also be involved if appropriate.  We recognise that early action is vital. Any concerns will be reported immediately. If  
The child or young person is in immediate danger of harm, we will contact the police on 999 

Additional Guidance B: Appropriate Physical Contact in Dance  
Teaching dance is a physical activity and a teacher will sometimes need to make physical contact with a student to show an idea or to correct the student’s position.  This can include:  
•    Lifting  
•    Adjusting arms, legs, rib cage, hips, feet, hands  
•    Moving one student in relation to another  Where contact is needed, we will remain  sensitive to the student’s wishes and put  
Their welfare first. In all cases, we will say why and how we will be correcting the student’s position before making any contact. We encourage students to report any concerns.  
Additional Guidance C: Chaperoning 
Children to, from and at Dance Events  
When chaperoning students to an event, we will:  
•    Provide parents and students with information about what the event is for  
•    Provide parents and students with the full address of the event  
•    Supply the planned journey route with parents and students upon request 
•    Make sure that students are aware of what they should do if they get lost  
•    Ask parents and students for their contact details in case of emergency  • Have a clear idea of how students will be cared for while at the event and ensure  
students know who is responsible for their wellbeing and safety at all times We will ensure that chaperones hold all required checks and licences and are  aware of our Child Protection Policy.  
Additional Guidance D: Use of  
Photographs and Film of Children  
We recognise that taking images of students in our care may not always be appropriate and that some children and parents may not want images taken at any time. Therefore, before taking images of a child or young person, we will:  
•    Make clear to the child and parent where and when the image will be taken  
•    Clearly identify the person who will be taking the image  
•    Explain how the image will be used, e.g. whether it will be posted on social media  or printed to be displayed at the school  
•    Seek written agreement from parents that images can be taken of their child.  Where we have publicly displayed images at our school or on social media, parents and students may withdraw their permission at any time. In such cases, the images  
Will be removed as soon as is reasonable and without question. We ask that any parent wanting to take photographs or film at our events only do so with our prior permission. Permission will only be granted on the agreement of all present. 



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